Bedtime Stories Allow Students to End Their Days Together

On March 30, Carlthorp School began a Bedtime Stories series that welcomes current families to tune in for a different bedtime story read by a faculty or staff member on Monday-Thursday evenings.
Students, parents, faculty and staff spend a few minutes at the beginning of each session checking in with one another, sharing special news, introducing pets, and generally socializing. After social time, Ms. Meyer, Carlthorp School’s Librarian introduces the guest for the evening and the students are soon transfixed by the chosen book.  

One beautiful aspect of the series is that the readers come from both the faculty and staff and are, therefore, not all classroom teachers but rather school employees from all areas. Members of the administration, business office, specialty teachers, and facilities staff have all volunteered to read to the students, thus allowing our students to continue to connect with the people they would normally encounter throughout a school day but might not see in their distance-learning classes.